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0412 503 352





Level 14

330 Collins Street

Melbourne Vic 3000 



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Our Approach

At CC1 Advisory our clients are our reason for existing. They are our primary focus. Our relationships with our clients, and the service and solutions we provide to them is what drives us.


No matter what stage your business is at, or what stage of your life you are at, we are/will be there, to provide sound advice, peace of mind and sometimes, simply an understanding ear to your issues.


Often these issues will relate to financial matters, but sometimes they won’t, because that is the nature of a true relationship. And in a true and valued relationship there is give and take, there is understanding and there is care. These things can’t be measured by a timesheet or often, in simple dollar terms.


We invest the time and effort in getting it right for our clients, doing things properly and producing great outcomes. This sometimes means we don’t charge you for tasks that others would. 


In the long term however this allows our relationship to strengthen and prosper. After all, relationships can’t be just be about numbers. At least not the ones we want to be part of.